Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Get Complete Fleet Management Solution with GPS Tracking Software

Convexicon India is the quickly developing brand wandered by an enthusiastic group of industry specialists from IIMs IITs, and BITS . They are devoted to the field of gps based employee tracking solution and its thorough information examination. Capable in giving important solutions, Convexicon has set up itself as a standout amongst the most believed Vehicle Tracking Solution suppliers among regarded accomplices and all around fulfilled clients. Starting at now, Convexicon has 1.6 Lakh+ vehicles surprisingly with a quarterly development of 43%. Convexicon India is resolved to proceed with its fast development in the GPS and Location based Analytics showcase.

Convexicon views its center ability as in handling and controlling area and GPS information and conveying diverse kinds of examinations, devices, and dashboards open on numerous stages. Subsequently, Convexicon India has a wide array of Web and Mobile programming solutions accessible for various applications and industry types.

Convexicon India has a variety of solutions that assistance in the board of logistics operations, traveler transportation, fleet management Solution, inventory network and appropriation just as pickup and drop administrations.

Convexicon Fleet Management Solutions, its lead item, is a brought together web and portable stage to oversee and screen the Operations, Traffic and Finance for any Logistics substantial activity. The arrangement offered is far reaching with ERP and RFID mix, guaranteeing quick and productive stream of data. It gives diverse dashboards and apparatuses to suit the significant needs of various partners over the association progressive system.

Convexicon approach, directly from the begin, has been to structure the answer for the customer. This counseling approach permits Convexicon India to precisely distinguish the issue territories that a client faces and build up the suitable answer for their association. This helps Convexicon India keep up a cheerful client base prompting high maintenance and reference rates which is particularly pivotal for its administration based conveyance show.

Convexicon center around consumer loyalty is very much seen by its accomplice organize, which pursue the strides of the organization. Convexicon India outfits its accomplices with complete start to finish arrangements and an every minute of every day IT bolster group, which is in charge of the best neighborhood bolster given by Convexicon specialist co-ops.

Convexicon India has widely utilized every single advanced stage to promote its business. Aside from web based life nearness on all famous systems administration destinations, Convexicon India has a functioning website where all the most recent improvements are talked about. We additionally normally add to industry symposiums, gatherings and publications which further fortify the organization's image name.

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