Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Convexicon Employee Tracking Solution | Employee Tracking System

Convexicon allows mobile employee tracking is a live location-based tracking device that runs as an application on employee smart mobile phones and is administered by a manager from a browser-based Web apps. The Employee Tracking Solution gives real time with live location of individual employee with history tracking, distance traveled, stoppages, and time in – time out at specified location that organization performs.

Why Should We Opt For Employee Tracking Solution?

Being a cloud based application from Convexicon India, the employee tracking solution is for field worker and managers to take control of field Operations and increment efficiency, perceivability and convey a larger amount of client commitment encounter. This is a devoted stage offering field drive the executives, field benefit streamlining and field assignment the executives. With this propelled employee tracking system from Convexicon India, it conveys end-to-end arrangement covering – Mobile App, Web based SaaS Platform, incorporation with back office.

Benefits of the Employee Tracking System

The Employee Tracking System presented by Convexicon India results in augmentation in The fundamental focal point of this tracking system is to track each conceivable movement identified with the functionalities that any association can perform.

The employee tracking solution can be redone according to client necessity and request. The different situations where monitoring can be valuable are tracking of remote representative (salesforce, benefit group, accumulation officials, delivery boys and so on), participation of remote worker, following bills put together by representative and it's confirm its verifications,

By monitoring activities of field employee, business cams enhance development in capital and deals techniques and maintain a strategic distance from powerless strategies which can later be fixing back to hierarchical destinations.

How Does The Employee Tracking Solution of Convexicon India Operate?

In time and out time of employees with real time location

How many distance traveled linking with vehicle claim for Accounts team.

Sales plan, visits and other sales related data for Sales team.

With real time live location and current status of operation team.

The Employee Tracking System or you can say employee tracking solutions presented by Convexicon India is without a doubt one of its sorts considering the wide assortment of capacities it takes into account. Its first rate usefulness and propelled activities have made it a well-known figure among numerous clients. It is an application curated and planned remembering the double needs of both the employer and the employee.

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